Thank you for visiting!!!!

Remember to visit teppy's layouts who made this cool layout I use for free!

A Journal and the thrash bin it ends up in 20 years later

I've never had a journal.. what does it say about me that my first one is not only public but also started during the most chaotic period of my life? I don't know. What I do now is that is here, and that YOU can read it for free as I spill my thoughts into a site that will probably visited by maybe 10 people for the entire time I run it.

The Internet has been present all my life. This is me giving back something to /it/ whatever that means. I hope you can enjoy it!

Who is Sarah?

That's a tough question. It's easier to respond if you know me, but no one does. Does anyone know anyone? Anyway.. I gotta go to bed, I'll finish this section on the morning.